Quick FAQs on Microsoft 70-528 CSHARP Test

Q: What are the prerequisites for taking the exam 70-528 (CSHARP)?

A: Before taking the exam, candidates should have at least one year of experience in developing Web-based applications by using the Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0. They should also have a working knowledge of Visual Studio 2005 and the new features of ASP.NET 2.0.

Q: Which programming languages can you choose for this exam?

A: You can choose the Microsoft Visual C# 2005 programming language for this exam. Other programming language is Microsoft Visual Basic 2005.
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Things to practice for Microsoft exam 70-293

The PrepKit for Microsoft exam 70-293 is designed to help individuals prepare for the actual Microsoft exam 70-293. The Microsoft exam 70-293 measures an individual’s ability to install, configure, and troubleshoot the Windows 2003 Active Directory components, DNS for Active Directory, and Active Directory security solutions. Before taking the 70-293 exam, you should practice the following:

  1. Install Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition on two networked computers. During installation, through Setup, create a partition on the hard disks, on which you should install Windows Server 2003 as a stand-alone server in a workgroup.
  2. Make a Windows 2003 domain-based network of two computers.
  3. Install and configure DNS.
  4. Continue reading “Things to practice for Microsoft exam 70-293”

Things to practice for Microsoft exam 70-290

The Microsoft exam 70-290 measures an individual’s ability to manage and maintain a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment. Before taking the 70-290 exam, you should practice the following:

  1. Manage and maintain basic disks and dynamic disks.
  2. Monitor server hardware by using tools such as Device Manager, Hardware Troubleshooting Wizard, and appropriate Control Panel items.
  3. Optimize server disk performance by implementing a RAID solution and defragmenting volumes and partitions.
  4. Continue reading “Things to practice for Microsoft exam 70-290”

Things to practice for Microsoft exam 70-298

The Microsoft exam 70-298 measures an individual’s ability to design security for a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 network. Before taking the 70-298 exam, you should practice the following:

  1. Plan security templates based on computer role.
  2. Configure registry and file system permissions, account policies, .pol files, audit policies, user rights assignment, security options, system services, restricted groups, and event logs.
  3. Deploy security templates by using Active Directory-based Group Policy objects (GPOs) and by using command-line tools and scripting.
  4. Continue reading “Things to practice for Microsoft exam 70-298”

Learn more about the Microsoft’s 70-298 test

Q. What is the pre-requisite for taking the test 70-298?

A. The test is appropriate for you if you are working or want to work in a typically complex computing environment of medium-to-large organizations. There are no specific prerequisites for this test, although it is recommended that you have at least one year of experience implementing and administering network operating systems in network environments.

Q. What certificate does it provide?

A. Microsoft’s 70-298 test is designed to measure your ability to analyze the business, technical, and security requirements, and to create the Logical and Physical Design for Network Infrastructure Security. It also tests your skills required to design an Access Control Strategy for Data, and to create the Physical Design for Client Infrastructure Security. Upon passing this test, you will become a Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP).
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