IT Student reviewed the uCertify MCTS .NET course
Recently, we sent the uCertify 70-536-CSHSARP practice test to Partho Sarathi, a Software Engineering student, to use and send his opinions on it. This was in continuation of our efforts to get useful inputs on uCertify PrepKits from experts as well as students who are using them. Partho Sarathi is a student at NIIT Shyambazar […]

Recently, we sent the uCertify 70-536-CSHSARP practice test to Partho Sarathi, a Software Engineering student, to use and send his opinions on it. This was in continuation of our efforts to get useful inputs on uCertify PrepKits from experts as well as students who are using them.
Partho Sarathi is a student at NIIT Shyambazar pursuing GNIIT (Software Engineering) along with a degree in Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) from Sikkim Manipal University. In 2006 he developed Pika Bot, the most powerful Yahoo Bot. His website was launched in 2007 with a vision to develop and distribute quality software. He also blogs about Computers in education, career & everyday life.
Partho says, “The interface is intuitively designed and requires no real time to get accustomed with. Other PrepKits can be installed and switched onto from within the applications. The PrepKits also contains study notes, tips, advanced articles and a well compiled listing of HOw Tos with media in form of images…. Summing it up, the uCertify PrepKits are an excellent worth of your precious time and money.”
Read the complete review at Partho’s Blog.